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Torino & Nord Ovest graffiti fanzine

A5 B/N


Bujo pubblica solo materiale realizzato da persone di Torino, da amiche e amici di persone di Torino e in generale fatto a Torino e nel Nord Ovest italiano, solo illegale.

Stampata su Favini Crush Mais, carta naturale ed ecologica con il 15% di residui agro-industriali della lavorazione del mais e il 40% di fibra riciclata post-consumo e cellulosa da foreste correttamente gestite. Riciclabile e biodegradabile. Bujo per l'ambiente bro.


This zine is dedicated to the vibrant graffiti scene in BUJO’s city Torino. This project represents nearly two years of exploration and discovery, delving into the lives of talented writers and their artistic contributions.
Graffiti are a distinct element in the urban landscape that really catch BUJO’s attention. Through this work, he aims to shed light on a dynamic and creative underground community that, while often misunderstood or criticized, embodies one of the few remaining forms of free expression in our city. The book also serves as a vivid snapshot of the city and its people.

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  • Image of BUJO#17